Player has distracted Dastardos with the Sherbat
Named a Helper
Employed a Watchling
Employed a Gatherling
Employed a Weedling
Employed a Sprinkling
Employed a Diggerling
Full bonus growth for 25 plants
Successfully completed 20 Factory requests
Player has hatched an egg using the Cluckles
Player has made fertilizer with the Taffly
All the Watering Can upgrades
Grown 25 plants to maturity
All the Shovel Handle upgrades
Played the game for 10 hours (real time)
Become Master Romancer for 5 species
Player has 25,000 chocolate coins
Garden size at maximum
Successfully completed 5 Factory requests
Garden worth 25,000 chocolate coins
Tower of Sour has 2 pieces
Collected produce from a Buzzlegum, Moozipan or Goobaa
Player turned the Beggar into a Trader
Full bonus growth for 5 plants
All the Shovel Head upgrades
Garden size increased once
Player has reached Level 10
Grown 5 plants to maturity
Made 5 species resident
Made a Custom Label
Named a Pinata
Evolved 2 species
Evolved 8 species
Tower of Sour has 6 pieces
Player has reached Level 50
Made 5 variant Pinatas
Made 20 variant Pinatas
Player has 100,000 chocolate coins
Become Master Romancer for 20 species
Made 50 species resident
Played the game for 50 hours (real time)
Garden worth 100,000 chocolate coins
One Pinata worth 5,000 chocolate coins
One Pinata worth 10,000 chocolate coins
Cross romancing a Swanana and a Rashberry
Player has attained full bonus growth for a plant using the Cocoadile tears
Player has healed a Pinata with the Chewnicorn's power
Player has distracted Dastardos with the Crowla
Player has used the Mallowolf to scare off Ruffians
Player has been brought a Romance Sweet by a Macaracoon